smoked salmon on rye bread with crème fraîche and fennel

This open-faced sandwich is a must-try. The delightfully silky crème fraîche and grated lemon zest offset the richness of the smoked salmon perfectly. Sprinkle some freshly chopped fennel on top, and you have a fantastic throw-together lunch.


6 slices of rye sourdough
1 cup crème fraîche
300g smoked salmon
large handful of fresh fennel or dill, finely chopped

zest of 1 lemon


Spread each piece of bread with 2 tablespoons of crème fraîche, then top with the smoked salmon, fennel or dill, and a small scattering of lemon zest.

Serves 3–4

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In such a time where supplies are limited, and we’re mostly stuck inside our homes, there couldn’t be a better opportunity to improve your cooking skills! All you need is $29 bucks, an email address, 10 minutes of time each day, and a willingness to try some fun, new recipes!


Artichoke, brie + thyme tart


18 ways to discover more creativity in your daily living